Extendicare Riverside Place

It is National Infection Control Week.

It is National Infection Control Week
Follow these 5 tips to fight the flu:

1. Rest is best. Stay at home when sick. Stay at home if you have flu symptoms: high fever, coughing and sneezing body aches and extreme fatigue.

2. Use all the proper PPE when providing care. Use proper PPE or Personal Protective Equipment to protect yourself from infection.

3. Get your flu shot. Get your annual flu vaccine and stop the flu before it gets you. Get your flu shot at a local public health clinic, pharmacy or from your health care practitioner.

4. Avoid the flu by washing your hands frequently. Wash hands often for 20 seconds with soap and warm water.

5. Cover cough and sneezes. Always carry tissues and use them to catch your cough or sneeze.

Be a flu fighter!

Click here to view 5 Tips to Fight the Flu.